
TicketManager iOS Cover

/ 2 min read

TicketManager Platform and Design System

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Project Overview

The event mobile search and event listing project was the first phase of a full mobile experience redesign for iOS and Android. After leading the task of redesigning our web experience, the design team was tasked with redesigning the mobile experience to align with the web platform and to address usability problems with searching for events and tickets.

Project Goals

  • Improve searchability and readability of company events
  • Improve readability for upcoming events
  • Show recent activity taken by a user within the mobile application
  • Easily filter events by location, date, and ticket quantity desired
  • Effectively utilize native components for best experience/performance

Key User Persona

The primary persona for this project centered on a “Requester”, or a person who is looking to find and request tickets to an event. Often times this persona is given the task of find a specific event, thus an easy and intuitive search experience, along with proper filtering, is essential in this product design. This particular user is someone who may not be near a desktop or laptop computer, and may be a salesperson on the road near an event, who can only use their mobile phone to perform this task.

Event Browswing Experience

Upon opening the app and after log-in, the user is presented with a well spaced list (1.0 - Mobile Home) of tickets relevant to the user’s account (typically populated by their organization). Here they can either browse by scrolling, slim the results down by filtering (1.2. - Event Filter), or typing in the search bar on top a keyword for their search (1.1 - Search with Location).

Native Platform Design Differences

Our users use both iOS and Android. Since each user has become accustomed to each platform’s unique approaches to interaction, it is important to be consistent and provide users with the expected interactions. To account for this in our calendar data picker, we utilize each platform’s native data picker component.

Future Improvements

Future improvements include improving the overall Event Detail page to align better with the overall web experience, as well as include enhancements to show Ticket Usage analytics similar to the Ticket Analytics Dashboard design.